Throatburn reflux is a term that I coined that means acid reflux disease without the classic symptoms of heartburn and regurgitation. Throatburn reflux also goes by the medical term LaryngoPharyngeal Reflux (LPR). Remarkably, 90% of the patients in my practice have Throatburn reflux. So instead of heartburn, patients complain of chronic cough, hoarseness, excessive throat clearing, and a lump-like sensation in the throat. I prefer the term “Throatburn reflux” more than the term “silent reflux” because there is nothing silent about a patient clearing their throat, coughing or having a raspy voice.
I also call Throatburn reflux symptoms “ALARM” symptoms, which means that acid injury has likely been going on so long that people are numb in their stomach and esophagus, yet still feel changes in their throat. So one needs to have their throat and esophagus examined to make sure there are no signs of severe inflammation in the esophagus or, potentially, pre-cancerous changes in the esophagus, a condition called Barrett Esophagus.