Throat Clearing Relief and Treatment
Frequent throat clearing is one of the 4 most common symptoms of Throatburn reflux, along with chronic cough,...
- by Dr. Aviv
- Friday October 10, 2014
Throatburn Reflux
Throatburn reflux is a term that I coined that means acid reflux disease without the classic symptoms of heartburn ...
- by Dr. Aviv
- Saturday November 1, 2014
Chronic cough
Chronic cough, defined as cough lasting for more than 8 weeks, is the most common reason patients see a doctor...
- by Dr. Aviv
- Saturday November 29, 2014
Hoarse voice, raspy voice
Hoarseness is defined as a raspy or strained voice which can be due to many causes....
- by Dr. Aviv
- Saturday November 29, 2014
I have a lump in my throat (globus sensation)
Globus is a Latin word for globe or sphere, which is what people often describe when they come in to see...
- by Dr. Aviv
- Saturday November 29, 2014
Post Nasal Drip (PND)
Post nasal drip (PND) refers to the sensation of mucus or secretions coming down from the back of ...
- by Dr. Aviv
- Saturday November 29, 2014